I could write a long chapter in a book about each of our days in Harar. This, our first full day begins with breakfast at the guest house of coffee or tea, and a unique “pancake” for lack of an adequate description and with fresh honey to put on it. Actually very good.
I want to go to an ancient Muslim cemetery which is somewhat outside the old city, but first, after wandering a little we stop for a large glass of fresh papaya juice which Daniel and Sierra have grown to like. Sitting next to us are two men, probably in their thirties actively communicating in sign language.
We finish and walk perhaps a half mile in the presumed direction of the cemetary and one of the deaf men comes upon us. Daniel communicates with him by gestures and typing on his phone and he begins leading us to the cemetery. It is quite a long walk and very hot. We finally see the cemetery and some men in the distance. Turns out they are building a gravestone.
We walk quite a distance, climb over a 5 foot stone fence and jump down 7 feet to a road. Take a Bijaj to the market with its essence of spices and coffee,
and ultimately I head back to the guest house for a nap. I give Daniel some money because our companion stuck to us like glue, obviously wanting to obtain a fee for guiding us, even though we neither engaged him nor wanted him. Sure enough as I am nodding off to sleep i hear him in the courtyard arguing with Daniel. He wants 500 birr (a ridiculous amount for an unwanted companion). Daniel ultimately gave him 250.
Went for a long walk and ultimately to dinner. I lingered by myself for a while and encountered a group of 5 young people from Italy with whom I compared travel notes. End of another wonderful day.